Saturday, March 1, 2008

Justa Celebration!

image Ok, I'm ready to tell ya about it. It is up and running and you can find it by clicking on the right side bar under other Justakrusen websites. What is it? It is my new blog using the WordPress domain. I'll try to have original content on a daily basis there also. If you have time stop over and check it out. I have a long way to go(as I do on this one also) in setting it up. At first blush, it seem like WordPress has a lot better functionality and room for expansion of the JustaKrusen Empire. Lol, isn't amazing how our minds can just take off and dream and what if's, and why not's, and maybe's,and if only's. Speaking of if only, If only I hadn't bought a $1.00 lottery ticket the other day when I was at the gas station... I wouldn't have won the $7.00 I won last night. That's right $7.00, now I am only $1,212.12 behind in lottery investments over the years. That's right I'm looking at it as an Investment. Let me explain. I buy a ticket maybe if I'm lucky and think about it once maybe twice a month. More if it's a big jackpot. That's not a whole lot of money. "1 dollar and a dream!" Hey I'll take that chance. They say that you have a better chance at getting struck by lightning than you do of winning the lottery. Well the way I look at it, I'm not going to stay inside just because I might get hit by lightning so I sure as heck better buy a lottery ticket to see which happens first. Do you see what I mean? If you do that's scary in itself.

I'm not doing any links today. Let me know if you like me doing links, are they helpful, are they informative, are they funny, or are they just a waste of both your and my time? Let me know.


43 Things Tags: ,,

Friday, February 29, 2008

Justa Inspiration


I was born in Elimra, Ny so because of that I have the "Elmira Star Gazette" the local paper on my favorites list in my computer. I came across this story the other day. It has inspired me and I intend to do something to volunteer my time also. I'll post on that later. When Jeff was a youngster(as if 26 is old) he used to be a volunteer at the hospital in Fulton. Looking back on that Jeff, I know you got a lot out of that experience. I've got some free time now, so I'm going to follow up on this. I'm not sure what avenue to take, any one have any suggestions. Momma suggested maybe a senior citizens home. My fear is, that they would think I belonged there and wouldn't let me leave! Hmmmm. could Momma have an ulterior motive here?


Along this line of free time and or something to do. Sherri(and any one us who wants to check out this neat site about meeting up with other pug owners. It will take you to the pug meet up site directly. For other neat things to check out on that site go to their home page. I don't think I've done this yet but I personally want to thank Al Gore for inventing the Internet, it's an amazing place. "Thanks Al".

image Speaking of the Syracuse Orangemen. Man-isn'-it-frustrating to watch? They have so much talent. Granted they are a young team it just seems like to me that they JUST can't keep up the intensity level for a whole game. Granted their ranks are depleted because of injury's. In my opinion This is why they haven't won more of the close games. I'm Justa saying!!

I'm going to close this post today with something Momma shared with me from The Sermon at her Church last Sunday. The person speaking for the pastor said in his remarks: "You aren't what you think you are, But what you think about, you are." We can choose what we think about, put into our minds what we want and create our reality. Ain't God great?

image Cartoon by way of

I just wanted to close this post with a picture of Momma and me on a typical evening. Seize the day! PS. I finally got momma to let me put her picture up.I put it in the other blog. Get there via the link under Other Justakrusen blogs on the right side bar.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

I Justa wanna play Daddy!!

image Indi is an amazing dog. He listens very well does a few neat tricks and is exactly like having a 2 year old(as in baby) around. I've already told you I'm spending way to much time on the computer, wellll apparently Indi thinks so too. He will constantly bring his ball in and stand on his back legs and set the ball on the desk. This isn't bad enough, he has the nasty habit of rolling the ball around in his mouth for about 15 seconds getting it good an wet and slimy. Quite often I'll stop what I'm doing and go out in the other room and throw the ball. He'll play until he's tired himself out, which usually takes about 20 minutes. Ok, job done I played with my baby I can get back to "Work" now. Yep, you guessed it plopp, ball on desk!! The mutt would play ball all day long. I feel guilty but, we have to forcefully tell him NO. He then gets this look  100_0707 How can I say no. Very hard to be productive with these distractions. Maybe Cindy can take him to work with her. Hmmmmm. Oh, not only do I get harassed by Indi his partner in crime starts this stuff  100_0694 Now y

43 Things Tags: ,

ou tell me. How am I supposed to ignore a moon walking cat. So it may seem that all I do is sit at home and and watch Tv an eat bon bon's, in reality I have it pretty darn tough. It's a rough life but someone has to do it.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I'm Justa saying continues....

Ok, It's official, I need to get a life!! I was checking out's web site (Which is very informative by the way) and came across this story about a gentleman's funeral. I mean, there were 100 people at this guys funeral! I often kid momma that we could have my funeral in a phone booth. Although, If that is going to happen I had better hurry up and Exit stage right. This story about the demise of the phone booth could put a damper on momma's choice of locations for this event, that none of us can avoid. At least there was a happy ending to the story sort of, he's still in rehab and that route can't be a picnic either.

On a more upbeat note. I just saved a ton of money... Tags: ,

image on my insurance today. Not really today, Momma aka the Grand Dame of personal finance, (more on that in a later post) better known as the how to " make something out of nothing" Queen,and I have been with The little Green guy for a while now. I love their commercials and was expecting a call when they were doing the caveman spots. I am not telling you what to do, but am strongly suggesting that you check out the site and see what the little guy has to say. I believe Thomas and his lovely bride have recently switched to them. What I like about them, Is that when Momma and I just recently bought (signed our life away) her new car. We were able to avoid getting an extended warranty,because The Coverage we have with Geico already includes one. How Neat is that? I know, seemed strange to us too. We checked in on it and it's true. I'm not receiving a penny for sending you there, as I don't think the 1 commenter and many other lurkers on this site warrants the expenditure on the advertising budget for them. But hey, you never know.

I just want to close with this little caveat. I whine quite a bit (OK A LOT) about lurkers(one who reads, but doesn't comment) but I am one of the worst Lurkers there are. I too peruse information on many blogs everyday and never leave a comment. So yes People (and Jeff)I am a Hypocrite of the highest order. What I'm trying to say is. Thanks for Reading!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Justa talking to some people lately

image I've been out wandering around the last few days talking to some people. It seems to me that the prevailing attitude is that things are getting kind of tough out there. Gas is high,the price of some food products are going up, because transportation cost for trucking in the food delivery system are skyrocketing. The Trucking companies have no choice but to pass on the higher price they are paying for Diesel fuel via of fuel surcharges. Guess who's paying for this? Tom is!! Thanks Tom. No, we all are,what can we do about it:

  • Stop eating. This is an option,however it would be hard one to sustain.
  • Stop driving our vehicles so much. This too can do. Long walk to work.
  • Turn our lights off more. Man I hate when I bump into the coffee table.
  • Dip into Savings. If you do that to much, then it ain't savings, it's gone.
  • Borrow from Tom. Hey Tom....
  • Use Credit card. This works as long as you pay it off at end of the month.

I could start rambling on(which I am wont to do from time to time) but Xin Lu over at Wise Bread says it so much better than I would and it saves me some typing. It's some really great advice, check her out.


Your going to think I'm reallyyyyy lazy but I wanted to share with you what Heidi over at Banker Girl says about this subject also. They both did a lot of research on the subject and make an excellent read and a real life way to work on our money problems.


Monday, February 25, 2008

Justa sharing some news with my rich relatives.

I subscribe to the Wegmans news letter. Don't ask me why. I need to get a life. Check out their web site here. They make it easy to spend your hard earned money. Really, I don't hate Danny Wegman! Isn't it an awesome site. I talked Momma into getting one of the Hi-lighted menu's of the week one time. I forgot what it was now, it was very good but... Momma rushed through the store gathering all the necessary ingredients,(She was going to please her man) she wanted to stick to the items as presented in the Menu and she did. Arriving at the check out breathless,with anticipation,not knowing that she had been led to the slaughter like an unknowing lamb,she laid the meal of a life time on the conveyor belt. $22.00. Ouch! Yeah Danny, you got me that time.

This is the truth, I don't hate Danny Wegman. But let me tell you a couple more times where Danny got me. It was at his warehouse when I used to Deliver there when I owned my own Truck.image This isn't a picture of it. But it will give you an idea of the size of it. Maybe I can down load pictures of my other trucks I owned at another time. But any way. Back to Danny's Gold mine(I mean warehouse). When you get there you check in, park out side, then walk about 1/4 of a mile to check in. They'll tell you to to either " back in" or my favorite "Wait in your truck, we'll come and get you when we have an open door." Actually,waiting in the truck isn't a bad option if you arrive there tired. This part of dealing with Danny's boys(or girls) isn't the problem. Refer to size of truck. It's when you are told to back in you have to drive inside where the doors are. I wish I had a picture of the area inside they give you to move around, but trust me Mr.Ed hitched to a wagon would have a difficult time. For those of you under 40, Mr. Ed was a horse on a tv show...

Anyway this is getting windy. Even this isn't the real bad part. The bad part (skipping ahead some). Is that while they unload you, you have to stand beside the door in case the pallets have to be restacked. That is if they come in 6 high on the pallet and they only want them 5 high to fit in the storage racks or some sort of combination. I've had to put them from 5 high to 6 high sometimes. "So what" you say,(I'm going to sound like a Magna worker now) I wasn't paid to do that. That was free labor for Danny. There is a lot more,but I'm going to cut it short here because some of you are already sleeping. And really, I don't hate Danny Wegman!image


Sunday, February 24, 2008

Justa wondering why I'm in my" Place"?

100_0780 Hey Indi, why you being punished?

Yesterday you got to see me hard at work. Today I thought I'd let you meet two of our three kids still living at home. Imus(the cat) and Indi(the dog). The dog bed in the picture is Indi's "Place". That's where we send him when we sit down to eat so he doesn't bug us. In this picture it looks like Imus is consoling him. Hey Lenny, doesn't Indi look like a black Milo? We have to get our "kids" together to play. Let me know when.

I'm going to try to get Cindy to let me put a picture of her on here.That might take some doing. Bug her at work guys so that I'm not the only one lobbying. I think I stand a better chance of winning the lottery but we shall see.

I went out to see Jeff at his J-O-B last night-this morning. We had another lively discussion. There are times where I think we could sit down and talk for hours,we usually at some time in the conversation have to agree to disagree on some things. On most of, if not all the real important things I'd say we agree,wouldn't you Jeff? That being said, I think Jeff is one of those people that would definitely benefit from the policy laid forth in my about section of this blog.

100_0584 Uncle Mark, Thanks for putting me on your blog thingamajig

I would

be remiss if I didn't show you a picture of Jeff and Amanda's son (Badger).Look at that smile! Amanda,Imus and Indi insisted I put Badger's picture here if I was putting theirs in.

In closing, I have some great news for you lurkers out there, I have decided to suspend my policy of charging a $5.00 lurking fee. There are two reasons for this.

  1. Apparently no one is going to pay me this fee. I go to the mail box everyday and so far no checks.
  2. And secondly and more importantly.I think if I sent a bill to Jeff he would kick my___. Rhymes with gas.